Riding horses is hard and takes a long time to master. Before any new rider begins the journey, they need to understand and master these five principles.
Part Two: Riding Nisha 150 miles at Spanish Peaks (with Video)
How Nisha and I rode 150 miles in three days at the Spanish Peaks Pioneer ride in La Veta, Colorado in August of 2024.
Part One: Traveling to The Spanish Peaks Endurance Ride in La Veta, Colorado
Taking two days of travel to get to La Veta, Colorado for the Spanish Peaks Pioneer ride.
Ode to a long wet fart
A poem about a horse’s gas that almost turned into a colic but didn’t.
The Top 5 Things I’ve Learned in One Year of Owning an Off the Track Thoroughbred
The top five things I’ve learned in one year of owning an off the track Thoroughbred.
If horse ads were honest (using my horses)
I often see horse for sale ads that are, how shall we say… full of crap. My favorites are the ones reading, “He’s a unicorn! No vices! I have no idea why he’s still here!” Probably because pretty as he may be, he’s a dingus, Carol. Just be honest. As someone who has six horses, […]
The top 5 reasons I hate the “adopt don’t shop” animal rescue mantra
Every time I see some kind of bleeding heart influencer encouraging people to take on dogs they may not know how to handle, I get a strong case of the rage. As someone who’s had and been responsible for animals since I was 7 years old, what matters more is not the sourcing of the […]
Hondo Lane decided he was a First Field horse and so it was
Hondo Lane is too fabulous not to jump into first field at the fox hunt.
I tried fixing my ceiling alone and hurt myself worse
The conclusion of how I fixed my dining ceiling, but not after hurting myself worse.
About the time I fell through my ceiling…
About the time I fell through my dining ceiling and landed on my lady parts.